2022总评 2021总评 2019总评

Time: October 31, Sunday
地点: 中国成都锦江宾馆成都A厅
Venue: Conference room A, Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel, Sichuan Province
Format: online + offline conference via Zoom
Meeting Host:  Mr. Li Dong, coordinator for Final Evaluation Meeting, STIDA Organizing Committee
Opening Address: Mme. Wang Yunhong, director of STIDA Organizing Committee

I. Judges:
阿德里安·纳泽兹Adrien Nazez(法)
端木军 Jun Duanmu (大陆)
郭介诚 Jieh-Cheng Kuo(台湾)
李凤朗 Johnson Li (大陆)
亚尼斯•潘尼拉斯 Yannis Paniaras(美)
大卫·沃特曼 David Waterman(英)
杨佳璋Martin Yang(台湾)

二、 评审作品类别(6个):
II. Categories:
Equipment Manufacturing; Consumer Product; Rural Revitalization Design; Healthcare; Iconic Souvenir of Tourist Attractions and Industrial Heritage; Student Designs.

III. Evaluation standard:
1.创新性 Innovation:不超过2分
1.Innovation:2 points
2.用户受益程度 Benefits to users:不超过2分
2.Benefits to users:2 points
3.社会责任 Social responsibility:不超过2分
3.Social responsibility:2 points
4.企业客户收益程度 Benefit to the manufacturer:不超过1分
4.Benefit to the manufacturer:1 point
5.实现的可能性 Commercial feasibility:不超过1分
5.Commercial feasibility:1 point
6.视觉吸引力和适当的审美 Visual appeal and appropriate aesthetics:不超过2分
6.Visual appeal and appropriate aesthetics:2 points

IV. Evaluation procedure
1.  共享播放各类线上总分排行
1. Display the ranking of the accumulative grades of design works 
2. 现场直播产品实物,结合实物讨论
2. Decide on finalists for each category after group consultation among the jurors and review of real design works on display on the site.
3.  讨论每类时间在20分钟内
3.  Discussion for each category is 20 minutes. 80% of the awards are encouraged to be allocated to product designs while 20% for concept designs.

V. Meeting agenda
Under the on-site supervision of the notary of Chengdu legal notary office, Sichuan Province
上午 9:00-12:00 线上线下5位评委(现场2位,大陆1位,台湾2位)先评审。
9:00 – 12:00 Evaluation by 5 Jurors 
下午 2:00-16:00 北京时间:  10月31日(周日) 2pm(洛杉矶time,10月30日(周六) 22:00pm;伦敦 time,  10月31日(周日) 6:00am)线上线下7位评委。
14:00 –16:00 Two overseas jurors will join in the evaluation online. (Seattle time, 22:00—24:00 Oct. 30; London time, 7:00—9:00, Oct. 31)There are 7 judges online and offline.
1. Speech by the Organizing Committee and review matters. (5 minutes)
2. Gold, silver and copper review: after each type is completed. The team leader shall transmit the results to the team leader of the general evaluation and coordination group.

六、 四川省成都市律政公证处宣布评审公证结果,并封存留档。
VI. Chengdu legal and notary office of Sichuan Province announced the review and notarization results and sealed them for filing